
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Amazing Candidate Obama will be the Final Winner in November Election by a Landslide ?

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Amazing Candidate Obama will be the Final Winner in November Election by a Landslide ?




  1. Absolutely NOT! America is finally waking up, and with the addition of Palin, McCain will take the lead and keep it all the way to the whitehouse.

  2. Marxism will be defeated, like it always is...

  3. Ha, absolutely not.  It's going to be close (just look at the polls, you don't have to take my word for it) but I think McCain will come out on top.  We haven't even gotten to hear a debate yet...mostly because Obama is so scared shitless to be without a teleprompter that he's refusing town hall meetings.  You're gonna have a rude awakening in November.

  4. If he does hes dead in side a month

  5. yes

    Obama 08

  6. I can't see it being a landslide but I hope he wins.

  7. to palin

  8. No. He will likely win by a squeaker. Something in the Bush-Kerry range, just with Obama being Bush and McCain being Kerry.

  9. I agree he will win but I think it will be a close election.  

  10. No.


  12. I believe (and hope) he will win, but whether or not it's a landslide depends on any October surprises.

  13. I don't think so

    McCain will be the Final Winner in November

    Vote McCain/Palin 2008

  14. I think McCain will be the Winner in November

    Vote McCain  

  15. I hope he wins too.

    McCain his lost OUR gain

  16. Amazingly, no.

    : )

  17. It will be close in spite of the Republicans deleting huge lists of non white voters and trying to steal it like thay have the last two elections. McCain won't be involved in the vote-rigging but it will happen. I bet it's a last minute count. Obama seems earnest while McCain seems honest.

    $1000 says either one is telling another nation what to do by Christmas.

  18. The Republicans didn't get the bounce out of their convention that they hoped for.  McCain is still behind in the polls.

  19. Well, it's a bit of a surprise he isn't killing in the elections right now... if you asked me a month ago, I would have said yes.

    Will he win?  In my opinion, yes... Landslide?  Probably not.

  20. Nobody can really be sure but i hope he wins!!!

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