
☺If I asked, pretty please, would you poets with a penchant for perfection...... ?

by  |  earlier

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take the time and chime in with a rhyme?

I'm not a bum. This is all in fun.

Here's the has to be about a stay in the hospital.




  1. i don't know why i'm here

    they've checked my hands feet mouth nose and ear

    i didn't really get your question by the way.

  2. The ambulance hurtled through the night

    Scattering pedestrians left and right;

    Arrived at the ER at quarter to three,

    The back doors were open, but there was no me---

    At four-fifteen I staggered in,

    Limping and with a Cheshire-Cat grin;

    The triage nurse checked my vitals, then peered

    At where i had been--I'd disappeared!

    I waited and waited to see the doc

    until it was 8:03 by the clock;

    So I went up to my ward by the stair

    but when I got there, I wasn't there!

    You may be alarmed at these comings and goings--

    Sometimes I'm hiding and sometimes I'm showing;

    Here's the mystery, please don't scream--

    I've eaten a jar of vanishing cream.

  3. Here goes.

    Hospitals always seem to me

    The way a starship ought to be.

    The corridors, the ceiling lights,

    Uniforms passing day and night.

    I like to walk them, not to be

    The patient in Emergency.


  4. I wanted to draw

    I had a sore throat

    Off to the hospital, said Maw

    Go get your coat

    I had my crayons

    I had my poncils

    I went under the knife

    I left without tonsils

  5. The nurse said:

    Don't be scared, my dear

    then stuck a thermometer

    in my ear

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