
Walking in India, we can see many cows walking slowly everywhere.

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Are there special cemetries for their own ?

Or run by government ?




  1. cemetries for cows??? what are u talking about sir, cemetries are for christians and muslims.

  2. No sorry, your deluded  

  3. Cow is worshiped like mother in India because INDIA is a tropical country & is very rich in having her own indepedency in food & culture.And this all due to whether where we are very lucky secondly due to cow which helped us since last crores of year in cultivation,fuel as cow dunk,milk,& transport,which gives us best nutrision.

    The India developed so much as it was previously called "Sone ki Chiriya",& it was all due to cow

    How can any INDIAN can forget all these

  4. Are there special cemetries for their own ?


    Or run by government


    Did that answer you ???

  5. After grazing in the fields in the outskirts of the town it would be returning slowly to its master's home. The owner of the cow will take care of it. We need not worry about cemetries. But I have heard old cows are sold to butcher for meat which is what I don't like and i pity them.

  6. Yes, U may find cows walking, standing or squatted in the middle of the road in India, which is common to our culture, live & let live !  No, there are no cemeteries for cows run by govt.

  7. I know cows are sacred in your country so it would not surprise me,if their was people there who bary them.

  8. Usually cows are reared by ppl to sell their milk and their dung is used to make dung cakes which is used for various reasons depending on the place where u currently r. Mostly the dung cakes r used by poor ppl to keep flies and mosquitoes away from home. at the time of holi (a festival), it is used to burn the night before the festival. (This has its own story). There are many more ways where cows r useful to ppl.

    Usually cows go out to graze and come back to the master on their own without needing to be guided to and back from grazing ground.

    The ones who walk slowly and squat on roads... well, the situation is bad here coz of this: When cows become useless to ppl who use them only to sell milk (that is they r so old they cannot be milked) and they cannot be killed coz of their holy status, they r just a burden and so, they r left loose. these r the cows which roam and wander on their own on city roads. However, there are a few places where these cows are given shelter.

    Cows r never buried in India as burying is not a ritual in Hindus. They sometimes are sent to butchers (non Hindus) who then sell the meat to ppl requiring beef. There is a govt control over how they are butchered.

    It is a sad thing to see cows deserted so heartlessly, but ppl need to be made more aware of sending them to municipal or pvt run cowsheds called goshalas. There are quite a few in every big city.

  9. You are imagining too many things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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